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Lagwagon music lyrics

Lagwagon lyrics
Lagwagon is a punk band based in the small town of Goleta, California. Forming in 1990, they have released seven albums, all through San Francisco label Fat Wreck Chords. They are widely viewed as catalysts for the pop-punk movement of the 1990’s, opening the door for some of the subgenre’s more mainstream bands. The most recent members of Lagwagon include Vocalist Joey Cape, guitarists Chris Flippin and Chris Rest, bassist Joe Raposo, and drummer Dave Raun. Vocalist Joey Cape also plays guitar in punk rock cover band Me First And The Gimme Gimmes and sang in the recently disbanded experimental punk band Bad Astronaut. Recently, he started a new project called Afterburner, which was expected to be similar to Bad Astronaut ...
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Lagwagon albums and songs lyrics

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Lagwagon - Hang lyrics
Hang lyrics 
Hang at Hang at wikipedia Hang at spotify
Hang lyrics
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Lagwagon - Blaze lyrics
Blaze lyrics 
Blaze lyrics
Lagwagon - Lets Talk About Feelings lyrics Lets Talk About Feelings lyrics
Lagwagon - Double Plaidinum lyrics
Double Plaidinum lyrics 
Double Plaidinum lyrics
1. Alien 8  
2. Making Friends  
3. Unfurnished  
4. One Thing To Live  
5. Today  
6. Confession  
7. Bad Scene  
8. Smile  
9. Twenty-seven  
10. Choke  
11. Failure  
12. To All My Friends  
Lagwagon - Hoss lyrics
Hoss lyrics 
Hoss lyrics
1. Kids Don't Like To Share  
2. Violins  
3. Name Dropping  
4. Bombs Away  
5. Move The Car  
6. Sleep  
7. Sick  
8. Rifle  
9. Weak  
10. Black Eyes  
11. Bro Dependent  
12. Razor Burn  
13. Shaving Your Head  
14. Ride The Snake  
Lagwagon - Trashed lyrics
Trashed lyrics 
Trashed lyrics
Lagwagon - Duh lyrics
Duh lyrics 
Duh lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Lagwagon music. Our databases have 7 albums and a total of 85 songs of Lagwagon lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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