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Holy roller lyrics by Throwdown

Throwdown Holy roller lyrics
  • track 1 of 12, total running time
  • album Venom and tears
  • released in 2007
  • produced by
  • record label
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Venom and tears tracklist

released 2007 via

1. Holy roller lyrics
2. Day of the dog
3. Scum
4. Americana
5. Weight of th world
6. Cancer
7. Hellbent (On war)
8. No love
9. Venom and tears
10. I'll never di a poisoned death
11. I, suicide
12. Godspeed
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Holy roller song lyrics

Crucify me for a lie
While You cut another line to breathe
Holy roller, poster child for fear and insecurity

Well, nothing is holy and nothing is sacred
They'll cut to the bone to get under your skin
I've stolen, I've lied, I've done my time,
But I won't pay for your sin

You don't have to bow your head in shame
Cause I can see right through you and I know that you have felt that way
Never will I bow my head in shame
I live this life with no regret, a lesson for you in respect

Sermon of hate spoken between a smile and words of piety
Well, I've got a use for you
It's time we stuck the pig

Well, nothing is holy and nothing is sacred
They'll cut to the bone to get under your skin
I've lived and died a thousand times,
But I won't pay for your sin

You don't have to bow your head in shame
Cause I can see right through you and I know that you have felt that way
Never will I bow my head in shame
I live this for no one else. Save your judgement for yourself

Teeth in my tongue for far too long
I've watched your lechery
So let this be your requiem...
When there's no eulogy, I'll speak

You don't have to bow your head in shame
Cause I can see right through you and I know that you have felt that way
Never will I bow my head in shame
I live this life for no one else. Save your judgement for yourself.

I'll never bow my head in shame.

More info about Holy roller lyrics

check here the lyrics for Holy roller, the 1th song of the 12 recorded for the album Venom and tears, with a total running time of , by Throwdown. It was released on via , and produced by .
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