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Einherjer music lyrics

Einherjer lyrics
There are 2 bands named Einherjer. 1) Viking metal band from Norway. 2) Rock band from Germany. 1) THE BEGINNING… Einherjer was formed in January 1993 by Frode Glesnes (Guitar) and Gerhard Storesund (Drums). Based in Haugesund, a small town on the west coast of Norway. THE NAME… The name Einherjer is taken from Norse mythology, Einherjer is a Viking’s life after death. When a Viking was slain in battle, he was brought to Valhalla by the Valkyries, to join the army of Einherjer and assist the Gods in their clash against the Giants in the age of Ragnarok. THE FIRST RECORDINGS Einherjer entered the studio for the first time in december 1993, to record the demo “Aurora Borealis”. The line-up was Grimar (Frode)...
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Einherjer albums and songs lyrics

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Norwegian Native Art lyrics 
Norwegian Native Art lyrics
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Dragons Of The North lyrics 
Dragons Of The North lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Einherjer music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 14 songs of Einherjer lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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