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Diamond Dogs music lyrics

Diamond Dogs lyrics
Venturing on the scopes of rampant styles like punk and garage rock, Sweden’s Diamond Dogs formed in the late ’90s, with an extended lineup consisting of Anders Lindstrom (guitar), Stefan Björk (bass), Stevie Klasson (guitar), Sulo Karlsson (vocals), Henrik Widen (piano, keyboards), Jesper Karlsson (drums), and Matthias Helberg (harp). Shortly after forming, the crew started playing numerous live shows, easily gathering a loyal fan base within the local alternative and punk rock scene. The EPs Among the Non-Believers and Shortplayer were the band’s first releases via the Feedback Boogie label, and solidified even more their recognition, not only in Sweden, but also in the neighboring northern European countries. Diam...
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Diamond Dogs albums and songs lyrics

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Diamond Dogs - Set fire to it all lyrics
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Diamond Dogs music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 13 songs of Diamond Dogs lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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