Beauty school song lyrics
I like you when,
When you take off your face
You put away all your teeth
And take us way underneath
'Cause you could die if you take it alone
I watch you taste it
I see your face
And I know I'm alive
You're shooting stars
From the barrel of your eyes
And it drives me crazy
Just drives me wild
I kind of like you when
When you make up the reel
Take the phone in your room
Stop the tape or resume
Well you could try if you think it will load
I watch you taste it
I see your face
And I know I'm alive
You're shooting stars
From the barrel of your eyes
And it drives me crazy
It drives me wild
Everytime you try
It's a beautiful ride
It's a beautiful ride
I watch you taste it
I see your face
And I know I'm alive
You're shooting stars
From the barrel of your eyes
And it drives me crazy
It drives me wild
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lyrics for Beauty school, the 5th song of the 11 recorded for the album Diamond eyes, with a total running time of , by Deftones. It was released on via , and produced by .