You should know (by now) really
That this could end, really
You should know I'd never make it work
Wake up
Let's pretend, really
Do you like the way the water tastes
Like god's fire
For you but you could never say
Then come forth cuz its coming round
Round the water
Beware the water
You should know
At least pretend you did know why
Its not like you watch so go on take a drink
Do you like the way the water tastes
Like god's fire
You knew but it was never safe
Take one more cuz its coming round
Round the water
Beware the water
Beware the water
Teeth are dry
From wind blows
If you come drinkin
There you go
Beware the water
Beware the water
Beware the water
Do you like the way the water tastes
Do you like the way the water tastes?
More info about Beware lyrics
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lyrics for Beware, the 3th song of the 12 recorded for the album Saturday night wrist, with a total running time of , by Deftones. It was released on via , and produced by .