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Passenger lyrics by Deftones

Deftones Passenger lyrics
  • track 10 of 12, total running time
  • album White pony
  • released in 2000
  • produced by
  • record label
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Passenger song lyrics

Here I lay - Chino
Still and breathless - Maynard
Just like always - Chino
Still I want some more - Maynard
Mirrors sideways - Chino
Who cares what's behind - Maynard
Just like always - Chino
Still your passenger - Maynard

The chrome buttons, buckles on leather surfaces - Maynard
These and other lucky witnesses - Maynard
Now to calm me - Chino
This time won't you please... - Maynard
Drive faster! - Chino

Roll the window down - Maynard
This cool night air is curious - Maynard
Let the whole world look in - Maynard
Who cares who sees anything? - Maynard
I'm your passenger - Maynard
I'm your passenger - Maynard

Drop...these down - Chino
Then...and put them on me - Chino seats there - Chino
To cushion your knees - Chino
Now to calm me - Chino
Take me around again - Maynard
Don't pull over - Chino
This time won't you please - Maynard
Drive faster!!! - Chino

Roll the window down - Maynard
This cool night air is curious - Maynard
Let the whole world look in - Maynard
Who cares who sees what tonight? - Maynard
Roll these misty windows - Maynard
Down to catch my breath and then - Maynard
Go and go and don't just - Maynard
Drive me home and back again! - Maynard

Here I lay - Chino
Just like always - Chino
Don't let me - Chino
Go... (9x) - Maynard
Take me to the edge... - Maynard

More info about Passenger lyrics

check here the lyrics for Passenger, the 10th song of the 12 recorded for the album White pony, with a total running time of , by Deftones. It was released on via , and produced by .
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