We are beggers, where blown
And I will meet you, fourth floor
Then we'll make up, no
No fist to fucking save you from
No fist to fucking save you from
No fist to fucking save you from
You knock me out
I'll take the burden full blown
And then we'll, I'll be there, no
Do you think I care?
No fist to fucking save you from
No fist to fucking save you from
No fist to fucking save you from
You knock me out
No fist to fucking save you from
No fist to fucking save you from
No fist to fucking save you from
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
Everything felt good
Everything was right at first
When I was so curbed you know, maddog
Life before I would shine down unshy
It comes from the first one I
While I watched you
Makes me sick, makes me go
I would shine
I want to be much then more
While I watch you
Life before I would shine down unshy
I want to be much then more
While I watch you
Life before I would shine down unshy
I want to be much then more, while I watch you
I wanna be much then more, while I watch you
I want to be much more, while I watch you
I want to be much more, while I watch you
I, much more, while I watch you
I want to be much then more, while I watch you
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lyrics for Fireal, the 10th song of the 11 recorded for the album Adrenaline, with a total running time of , by Deftones. It was released on via , and produced by .