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The Cranberries music lyrics

The Cranberries lyrics
The Cranberries are an alternative rock band from Limerick, Ireland that formed in 1989 and rose to mainstream popularity in the early 1990?s. The band consists of Dolores O?Riordan (vocals, keyboards, guitars), Noel Hogan (guitars, vocals, also a member of mono band), Mike Hogan (bass, vocals), and Fergal Lawler (drums, percussion, also a member of The Low Network). The band went on hiatus in 2003 and reunited in the summer of 2009. Combining the melodic jangle of post-The Smiths indie pop with the lilting, trance-inducing sonic textures of late-80s dream pop and adding a slight Celtic tint, The Cranberries became one of the more successful groups to emerge from the indie scene of the early 90s. Led by vocalist Dolores O ...
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The Cranberries albums and songs lyrics

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The Cranberries - Something else lyrics
Something else lyrics 
Something else at Something else at wikipedia Something else at spotify
Something else lyrics
1. Linger  
2. The glory  
3. Dreams  
4. When you're gone  
5. Zombie  
6. Ridiculous thoughts  
7. Rupture  
8. Ode to my family  
9. Free to decide  
10. Just my imagination  
11. Animal instinct  
12. You & me  
13. Why  
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The Cranberries - Wake Up And Smell The Coffee lyrics Wake Up And Smell The Coffee lyrics
The Cranberries - Bury The Hatchet lyrics
Bury The Hatchet lyrics 
Bury The Hatchet lyrics
The Cranberries - To The Faithful Departed lyrics To The Faithful Departed lyrics
The Cranberries - No Need To Argue lyrics
No Need To Argue lyrics 
No Need To Argue lyrics
The Cranberries - Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Cant We? lyrics Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Cant We? lyrics
1. I Still Do  
2. Dreams  
3. Sunday  
4. Pretty  
5. Waltzing Back  
6. Not Sorry  
7. Linger  
8. Wanted  
9. Still Can't  
10. I Will Always  
11. How  
12. Put Me Down  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Cranberries music. Our databases have 6 albums and a total of 79 songs of The Cranberries lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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