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Black rider lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Black rider lyrics
  • track 5 of 10, total running time 70:33
  • album Rough and rowdy ways
  • released in June 19, 2020
  • produced by Bob Dylan
  • record label Columbia Records
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Black rider song lyrics

Black rider, black rider, you've been living too hard
Been up all night, have to stay on your guard
The path that you're walking, too narrow to walk
Every step of the way, another stumbling block
The road that you're on, same road that you know
Just not the same as it was a minute ago

Black rider, black rider, you've seen it all
You've seen the great world and you've seen the small
You fell into the fire and you're eating the flame
Better seal up your lips if you wanna stay in the game
Be reasonable, mister, be honest, be fair
Let all of your earthly thoughts be a prayer

Black rider, black rider, all dressed in black
I'm walking away, you try to make me look back
My heart is at rest, I'd like to keep it that way
I don't wanna fight, at least not today
Go home to your wife, stop visiting mine
One of these days I'll forget to be kind

Black rider, black rider, tell me when, tell me how
If there ever was a time, then let it be now
Let me go through, open the door
My soul is distressed, my mind is at war
Don't hug me, don't flatter me, don't turn on the charm
I'll take a sword and hack off your arm

Black rider, black rider, hold it right there
The size of your cock will get you nowhere
I'll suffer in silence, I'll not make a sound
Maybe I'll take the high moral ground
Some enchanted evening I'll sing you a song
Black rider, black rider, you've been on the job too long

More info about Black rider lyrics

check here the lyrics for Black rider, the 5th song of the 10 recorded for the album Rough and rowdy ways, with a total running time of 70:33, by Bob Dylan. It was released on June 19, 2020 via Columbia Records, and produced by Bob Dylan.
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