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Narrow way lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Narrow way lyrics
  • track 3 of 10, total running time
  • album Tempest
  • released in 2012
  • produced by
  • record label
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I'm gonna walk across the desert, 'til I'm in my right mind.
I won't even think about, what I left behind
Nothing back there anyway, that I can call my own
Go back home, leave me alone
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

Ever since the British, burned the White House down
There's a bleeding wound, in the heart of town
I saw you drinking, from an empty cup
I saw you buried, and I saw you dug up
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

Look down angel, from the skies
Help my, weary soul to rise
I kissed her cheek, I dragged your ???
You broke my heart, I was your friend 'til now.
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

In the courtyard, of the golden sun
You stand and fight, or you break and run
You went and lost, your lovely head
For a drink of wine, and a crust of bread
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

We looted and we plundered, on distant shores
Why is my share, not equal to yours
Your father left you, your mother too
Even death has, washed it's hands of you
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

This is hard country, to stay alive in
Blades are everywhere, and they're breaking my skin
I'm armed to the hilt, and I'm struggling hard
You won't get out, of here unscarred.
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

You got too many lovers, waiting at the wall
About a thousand tons, I couldn't count them all
Yesterday, I could've thrown them all in the sea
Today, even one, may be too much for me
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

Can't walk them baby, you could do no wrong
Put your arms around me, where they belong
I won't take you under, for the ghost to ????
Lay my hands all over ya, tie you to my side
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

I've got a heavy stacked woman, with a smile on her face
And she has crowned, my soul with grace
Im still hurting from an arrow, that pierced my chest
I'm gonna have to take my head, and bury it between your breasts
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

Been dark all night, but now it's dawn
The moving finger, is moving on
You can guard me, while I sleep
Piss away, the tears I weep
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

I love women, and she loves men
We've been to the west, and we going back again
I heard a voice, at the dusk of day
Saying, "Be gentle brother, be gentle and pray."
It's a long road, it's a long and narrow way
If I cant work up to you, you'll surely have to work down to me someday

More info about Narrow way lyrics

check here the lyrics for Narrow way, the 3th song of the 10 recorded for the album Tempest, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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