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On A Night Like This lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan On A Night Like This lyrics
  • track 6 of 7, total running time
  • album Masked And Anonymous
  • released in 2003
  • produced by
  • record label
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Masked And Anonymous tracklist

released 2003 via

1. My Back Pages
2. Gotta Serve Somebody
3. Down In The Flood
4. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
5. Most Of The Time
6. On A Night Like This lyrics
7. Diamond Joe
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On A Night Like This song lyrics

On a night like this
So glad you came around,
Hold on to me so tight
And heat up some coffee grounds.
We got much to talk about
And much to reminisce,
It sure is right
On a night like this.

On a night like this
So glad you've come to stay
Hold on to me, pretty miss
Say you'll never go away to stray.
Run your fingers down my spine
Bring me a touch of bliss
It sure feels right
On a night like this.

On a night like this
I can't get any sleep,
The air is so cold outside
And the snow's so deep.
Build a fire, throw on logs
And listen to it hiss
And let it burn, burn, burn, burn
On a night like this.

Put your body next to mine
And keep me company,
There is plenty a room for all,
So please don't elbow me.

Let the four winds blow
Around this old cabin door,
If I'm not too far off I think we did this once before.
There's more frost on the window glass
With each new tender kiss,
But it sure feels right
On a night like this.

More info about On A Night Like This lyrics

check here the lyrics for On A Night Like This, the 6th song of the 7 recorded for the album Masked And Anonymous, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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