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Lonesome Day Blues lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Lonesome Day Blues lyrics
  • track 5 of 12, total running time
  • album Love And Theft
  • released in 2001
  • produced by
  • record label
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Lonesome Day Blues song lyrics

Words and music by bob dylan

Well, today has been a sad and lonesome day
Yeah, today has been a sad and lonesome day
I'm just sitting here thinking with my mind a million miles away

Well, they're doing the double shuffle, throwing sand on the floor
They're doing the double shuffle, they're throwing sand on the floor
When I left my longtime darling, she was standing in the door

Well, my pa he died and left me, my brother got killed in the war
Well, my pa he died and left me, my brother got killed in the war
My sister she ran off and got married, never was heard of anymore

Samantha brown lived in my house for 'bout four or five months
Samantha brown lived in my house for 'bout four or five months
Don't know how it looked to other people, I never slept with her even once

Well the road washed out, weather not fit for man or beast
Well the road's washed out, weather not fit for man or beast
Funny, the things you have the hardest time parting with, are the things you need the least

Well, I'm forty miles from the mill, I'm dropping it into overdrive
I'm forty miles from the mill, I'm dropping it into overdrive
Set my dial on the radio I wish my mother was still alive

I seen your lover-man comin', comin' across the barren fields
I see your lover-man comin', comin' 'cross the barren fields
He not a gentleman at all, he's rotten to the core, he's a coward and he steals

Well my captain he's decorated, he's well-schooled and he's skilled
My captain he's decorated, he's well-schooled and he's skilled
He's not sentimental, don't bother him at all; how many of his pals have been killed.

Last night the wind was whispering, I was trying to make out what it was
Last night the wind was whispering something, I was trying to make out what it was
Yeah I tell myself something's coming, but it never does

I'm going to spare the defeated, I'm going to speak to the crowd
I'm going to spare the defeated, 'cause I'm going to speak to the crowd
I'm going to teach peace to the conquered, I'm going to tame the proud

Well, the leaves are rustling in the wood, things are falling off of the shelf
Leaves are rustling in the wood, things are falling off the shelf
You're gonna need my help sweetheart, you can't make love all by yourself.

More info about Lonesome Day Blues lyrics

check here the lyrics for Lonesome Day Blues, the 5th song of the 12 recorded for the album Love And Theft, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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