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Can't Wait lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Cant Wait lyrics
  • track 10 of 11, total running time
  • album Time Out Of Mind
  • released in 1997
  • produced by
  • record label
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I can't wait
Wait for you to change my mind
It's late
I'm tryin' to walk the line
Well it's way past midnight
And there's some people all around
Some on their way up
Some on their way down
The air burns and I'm tryin to think straight
And I don't know how much longer I can wait

I'm your man
I've tried to recover the sweet love that we knew
You understand
That my heart can't go on beating without you
Well your loveliness has wounded me
I'm reeling from the blow
I wish I knew what it was that keeps me loving you so
I'm breathin' hard standin' at the gate
And I don't know how much longer I can wait

Skies are gray
I'm looking for anything that will bring a happy glow
Night or day
It doesn't matter where I go anymore I just go
If I ever saw you comin' I don't know what I might do
I'd like to think I could control myself
But it isn't true
That's how it is
When things disintegrate
And I don't know how much longer I can wait

I'm doomed to love you
I been rollin' through stormy weather
I'm thinkin' of you
And all the places we could roam together
It's mighty funny
The end of time has just begun
Oh honey, after all these years you're still the one
Well I'm strollin' through the lonely graveyard of my mind
I left my life with you
Somewhere back there along the line
I thought somehow that I would be spared this day
I don't know how much longer I can wait

More info about Can't Wait lyrics

check here the lyrics for Can't Wait, the 10th song of the 11 recorded for the album Time Out Of Mind, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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