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What Good Am I? lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan What Good Am I? lyrics
  • track 7 of 10, total running time
  • album Oh Mercy
  • released in 1989
  • produced by
  • record label
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What Good Am I? song lyrics

What good am I if I'm like all the rest
If I just turn away when I see how you're dressed
If I shut myself off so I can't hear you cry
What good am i

What good am I if I know and don't do
If I see and don't say, if I look right through you
If I turn a deaf ear to the thunder in the sky
What good am i

What good am I while you softly weep
And I hear in my head what you say in your sleep
And I freeze in the moment like the rest who don't try
What good am i

What good am I then to others and me
If I've had every chance and yet still fail to see
If my hands are tied, must I not wonder within
Who tied them and why, and where must I have been

What good am I if I say foolish things
And I laugh in the face of what sorrow brings
And I just turn my back when you silently die
What good am i

More info about What Good Am I? lyrics

check here the lyrics for What Good Am I?, the 7th song of the 10 recorded for the album Oh Mercy, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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