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Sally Sue Brown lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Sally Sue Brown lyrics
  • track 3 of 10, total running time
  • album Down In The Groove
  • released in 1988
  • produced by
  • record label
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Sally Sue Brown song lyrics

Look who's back in town
Ain't nobody but Sally Sue Brown
All you boys better run for cover
If you don't a-wanna be a hearted broken lover.

See her in that very tight skirt
Got what it takes
Just to make you hurt
Don't you see by those big bright eyes
Prefer to treat her nasty and low down lies.

Makes no difference where she's been
I'm go in south and doin' them things again
Bake in a hot tub, down the line
I'd rather see you ruin this a-heart of mine.

I'll go see them come down my way
Like a fool you're gonna hear me say:
'I'll lay at your bed Sally Sue Brown
Please let me love you, baby
Don't put me down'.

Makes no difference where she's been
I'm go in south and doin' them things again
Bake in a hot tub, down the line
I'd rather see you ruin this a-heart of mine.

I'll go see them come down my way
Like a fool you're gonna hear me say:
'I'll lay at your bed Sally Sue Brown
Please let me love you, baby
Don't put me down'.

More info about Sally Sue Brown lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sally Sue Brown, the 3th song of the 10 recorded for the album Down In The Groove, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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