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In The Summertime lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan In The Summertime lyrics
  • track 8 of 10, total running time
  • album Shot Of Love
  • released in 1981
  • produced by
  • record label
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In The Summertime song lyrics

I was in your presence for an hour or so
Or was it a day? I truly don't know.
Where the sun never set, where the trees hung low
By that soft and shining sea.
Did you respect me for what I did
Or for what I didn't do, or for keeping it hid?
Did I lose my mind when I tried to get rid
Of everything you see?

In the summertime, ah in the summertime,
In the summertime when you were with me.

I got the heart and you got the blood,
We cut through iron and we cut through mud.
Then came the warnin' that was before the flood
That set everybody free.
Fools they made a mock of sin,
Our loyalty they tried to win
But you were closer to me than my next of kin
When they didn't want to know or see.

In the summertime, ah in the summertime,
In the summertime when you were with me.

Strangers, they meddled in our affairs,
Poverty and shame was theirs.
But all that sufferin' was not to be compared
With the glory that is to be.
And I'm still carrying the gift you gave,
It's a part of me now, it's been cherished and saved,
It'll be with me unto the grave
And then unto eternity.

In the summertime, ah in the summertime,
In the summertime when you were with me.

More info about In The Summertime lyrics

check here the lyrics for In The Summertime, the 8th song of the 10 recorded for the album Shot Of Love, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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