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Saved lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Saved lyrics
  • track 2 of 9, total running time
  • album Saved
  • released in 1980
  • produced by
  • record label
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Saved tracklist

released 1980 via

1. A Satisfied Mind
2. Saved lyrics
3. Covenant Woman
4. What Can I Do For You?
5. Solid Rock
6. Pressing On
7. In The Garden
8. Saving Grace
9. Are You Ready
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I was blinded by the devil,
Born already ruined,
Stone-cold dead
As I stepped out of the womb.
By his grace I have been touched,
By his word I have been healed,
By his hand I've been delivered,
By his spirit I've been sealed.

I've been saved
By the blood of the lamb,
By the blood of the lamb,
And I'm so glad.
Yes, I'm so glad,
I'm so glad,
So glad,
I want to thank you, lord,
I just want to thank you, lord,
Thank you, lord.

By his truth I can be upright,
By his strength I do endure,
By his power I've been lifted,
In his love I am secure.
He bought me with a price,
Freed me from the pit,
Full of emptiness and wrath
And the fire that burns in it.

I've been saved
By the blood of the lamb,
By the blood of the lamb,
And I'm so glad.
Yes, I'm so glad,
I'm so glad,
So glad,
I want to thank you, lord,
I just want to thank you, lord,
Thank you, lord.

Nobody to rescue me,
Nobody would dare,
I was going down for the last time,
But by his mercy I've been spared.
Not by works,
But by faith in him who called,
For so long I've been hindered,
For so long I've been stalled.

I've been saved
By the blood of the lamb,
By the blood of the lamb,
And I'm so glad.
Yes, I'm so glad, I'm so glad,
So glad, I want to thank you, lord,
I just want to thank you, lord,
Thank you, lord.

More info about Saved lyrics

check here the lyrics for Saved, the 2th song of the 9 recorded for the album Saved, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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