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The Wicked Messenger lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan The Wicked Messenger lyrics
  • track 10 of 12, total running time
  • album John Wesley Harding
  • released in 1967
  • produced by
  • record label
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The Wicked Messenger song lyrics

There was a wicked messenger
From eli he did come,
With a mind that multiplied
The smallest matter.
When questioned who had sent for him,
He answered with his thumb,
For his tongue it could not speak, but only flatter.

He stayed behind the assembly hall,
It was there he made his bed,
Oftentimes he could be seen returning.
Until one day he just appeared
With a note in his hand which read,
The soles of my feet, I swear they're burning.

Oh, the leaves began to fallin'
And the seas began to part,
And the people that confronted him were many.
And he was told but these few words,
Which opened up his heart,
If ye cannot bring good news, then don't bring any.

More info about The Wicked Messenger lyrics

check here the lyrics for The Wicked Messenger, the 10th song of the 12 recorded for the album John Wesley Harding, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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