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4th Time Around lyrics by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan 4th Time Around lyrics
  • track 12 of 14, total running time
  • album Blonde On Blonde
  • released in 1966
  • produced by
  • record label
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4th Time Around song lyrics

When she said,
Don't waste your words, they're just lies,
I cried she was deaf.
And she worked on my face until breaking my eyes,
Then said, what else you got left?
It was then that I got up to leave
But she said, don't forget,
Everybody must give something back
For something they get.

I stood there and hummed,
I tapped on her drum and asked her how come.
And she buttoned her boot,
And straightened her suit,
Then she said, don't get cute.
So I forced my hands in my pockets
And felt with my thumbs,
And gallantly handed her
My very last piece of gum.

She threw me outside,
I stood in the dirt where ev'ryone walked.
And after finding i'd
Forgotten my shirt,
I went back and knocked.
I waited in the hallway, she went to get it,
And I tried to make sense
Out of that picture of you in your wheelchair
That leaned up against . . .

Her jamaican rum
And when she did come, I asked her for some.
She said, no, dear.
I said, your words aren't clear,
You'd better spit out your gum.
She screamed till her face got so red
Then she fell on the floor,
And I covered her up and then
Thought I'd go look through her drawer.

And, when I was through
I filled up my shoe
And brought it to you.
And you, you took me in,
You loved me then
You didn't waste time.
And i, I never took much,
I never asked for your crutch.
Now don't ask for mine.

More info about 4th Time Around lyrics

check here the lyrics for 4th Time Around, the 12th song of the 14 recorded for the album Blonde On Blonde, with a total running time of , by Bob Dylan. It was released on via , and produced by .
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