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Pelican music lyrics

Pelican lyrics
Formed by previous members of the band Tusk, the instrumental post-metal outfit Pelican formed in Chicago in 2001, by guitarists Trevor de Brauw and Laurent Lebec with sibling rhythm section Larry Herweg and Bryan Herweg (drums and bass, respectively). Owing a great debt to the pioneering band Neurosis, and often compared to Boston’s Isis and Sweden’s Cult of Luna, Pelican were initially signed to Hydra Head Records (whose founder, Aaron Turner, was a member of Isis). After making their debut with an eponymous self-titled four-song EP “Pelican” in 2003, Pelican expanded their sound with 2004’s critically acclaimed “Australasia”. In 2005 Pelican released the “March Into the Sea” EP ...
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Pelican albums and songs lyrics

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Pelican - Arktika lyrics
Arktika lyrics 
Arktika at Arktika at spotify
Arktika lyrics
Pelican - Forever becoming lyrics Forever becoming lyrics
Pelican - Fecal cliff lyrics
Fecal cliff lyrics 
Fecal cliff lyrics
no tracklist yet
Pelican - Ataraxia/Taraxis lyrics
Ataraxia/Taraxis lyrics 
Ataraxia/Taraxis at wikipedia
Ataraxia/Taraxis lyrics
1. Ataraxia  
2. Lathe biosas  
3. Parasite colony  
4. Taraxis  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Pelican music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 20 songs of Pelican lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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