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Slaves On Dope music lyrics

Slaves On Dope lyrics
Slaves on Dope is a Canadian nu metal band, based out of Montreal, Canada. The band was formed in the 1993 by Jason Rockman and Avrum Nadigel (original lineup consisted of founders as well as Patrick Francis, Kevin Jardine, and Lenny Vartanian) highly influenced by the “Grunge” era. In 1995, after the departure of bassist Francis & drummer Vartanian, Frank Salvaggio (bass) and Robert Urbani (drums) entered the fray and so began a new heavier direction for the band. At the time the Canadian music scene had not embraced the “Nu Metal” scene, so Salvaggio & Urbani decided to make a 6 day trek via Greyhound bus from Montreal to Los Angeles, CA, the epicenter of “Nu Metal” to begin the process o...
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Slaves On Dope albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Slaves On Dope music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 23 songs of Slaves On Dope lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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