The Truth's For Sale song lyrics
You'd be forgiven for thinking I've got a heart of stone
You'd be forgiven for not picking up the phone
You'd be forgiven for thinking our love isn't true
Did I spend it all on you, did I spend it all on you???
The truth's for sale for just one kiss
And that's how I like it
Yeah, that's how I want it to be
The truth's for sale for just one kiss
You'd be forgiven for not loving me anymore
You'd be forgiven for not opening the door
You'd be forgiven for thinking our love isn't true
Did I spend it all on you, did I spend it all on you???
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lyrics for The Truth's For Sale, the 4th song of the 14 recorded for the album Judas Christ, with a total running time of , by Tiamat. It was released on via , and produced by .