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Sumerian Cry (part Iii) lyrics by Tiamat

Tiamat Sumerian Cry (part Iii) lyrics
  • track 5 of 12, total running time
  • album The Astral Sleep
  • released in 1991
  • produced by
  • record label
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Sumerian Cry (part Iii) song lyrics

Nailed to a pleasant sleep
Under the fullmoon light
Calculated ancient knowledge
Of Arab's wise words

I dreamed about a temple
I saw it in my dreams
A temple made of silver
With emeralds above

It is in the wood
Spoken by animal lips
My seal and my epitaph
It is the Sumerian Cry

I visited the temple
In my imaginations it welcomed my
I tried to understand the language
And the sumerian cuneiform

I read about their gods
And in my dreams they spoke to me
They showed me the tablets of fate
Which since a battle belong to them

It is in the wood
Spoken by animal lips
My seal and my epitaph
It is the Sumerian Cry

Then I saw the Ancient Ones
Slumbering in their cave
My dreams and my nightmares
The liers in wait bred my fear

I woke up from my dreams
The night had become day
Highly strung, rigid and struck
I peered through the morning fog

It is in the wood
Spoken by animal lips
My seal and my epitaph
It is the Sumerian Cry

More info about Sumerian Cry (part Iii) lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sumerian Cry (part Iii), the 5th song of the 12 recorded for the album The Astral Sleep, with a total running time of , by Tiamat. It was released on via , and produced by .
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