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In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead lyrics by Tiamat

Tiamat In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead lyrics
  • track 2 of 11, total running time
  • album Sumerian Cry
  • released in 1990
  • produced by
  • record label
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In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead song lyrics

[lyrics: Emetic]

Deep down in the tombs
Dried out and embalmed
Royalties embedded
Locked under a curse
Powers of mortis
Trapped in the talismans
Shaman's evil spells
Await at the door

Unbroken silence rests
A universe of unholiness
Pale funeral lilles scents
Narcotic incense detest

In the shrines of the kingly dead
Down unlit and illimitable tombs

Delving in a mummy grave
In sickening odours
Penetrating magic's locks
Pharao's curse reveiled
Icing winds are blowing
Shuddering the ground
The ancient tomb is crumbling
At a touch on an amulet



More info about In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead lyrics

check here the lyrics for In The Shrines Of The Kingly Dead, the 2th song of the 11 recorded for the album Sumerian Cry, with a total running time of , by Tiamat. It was released on via , and produced by .
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