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Sacred Reich music lyrics

Sacred Reich lyrics
Sacred Reich is a Phoenix, Arizona based thrash metal band that formed in 1985. Singer/songwriter Phil Rind?s interest was in socially-conscious and political speed metal. After several records on Metal Blade Records, they signed to Hollywood Records for a short stint, but later returned to Metal Blade to continue their musical career. The band split in 2000.
Former drummer Dave McClain went on to join Machine Head in 1995. Lead guitarist Wiley Arnett went on to form The Human Condition with St. Madness vocalist Prophet in July of 2000.
In the summer of 2006, Wiley Arnett brought his recording equipment to his accountant?s house in Arizona and produced the demo for the band A Tragic Comedy.
In 2007, the band reunited t ...
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Sacred Reich albums and songs lyrics

- download Sacred Reich music viabuy amazon music
Sacred Reich - Heal lyrics
Heal lyrics 
Heal lyrics
subscribe amazon music
Sacred Reich - Independent lyrics
Independent lyrics 
Independent lyrics
1. Independent  
2. Free  
3. Just Like That  
4. Supremacy  
5. If Only  
6. Crawling  
7. Pressure  
8. Product  
9. I Never Said Goodbye  
10. Open Book  
11. Do It  
12. Let's Have A War  
Sacred Reich - American Way lyrics
American Way lyrics 
American Way lyrics
Sacred Reich - Ignorance lyrics
Ignorance lyrics 
Ignorance lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Sacred Reich music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 40 songs of Sacred Reich lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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