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Mnemic music lyrics

Mnemic lyrics
Mnemic (pronounced /ˈniːmɨk/) is a Danish metal band, formed in Aalborg, Denmark in 1998. Their music has been described as a fusion between metalcore, melodic death metal, industrial metal with additional elements of thrash metal and groove metal, to form a style the band themselves have described as “future fusion metal.” Named as one of Metallica’s favorite bands, they have opened for Metallica in Europe both in 2007 and 2008. The band have charted in the Top 100 in Denmark with The Audio Injected Soul and were the first Danish metal band to open the Orange Stage at Roskilde Festival in 2004, one of Europe’s biggest mainstream festivals with 80,000 spectators. They have worked with Down and The Fugees produ ...
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Mnemic albums and songs lyrics

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Mnemic - Mnemesis lyrics
Mnemesis lyrics 
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Mnemesis lyrics
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Mnemic - Sons Of The System lyrics Sons Of The System lyrics
Mnemic - Passenger lyrics
Passenger lyrics 
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Passenger lyrics
Mnemic - The Audio Injected Soul lyrics The Audio Injected Soul lyrics
Mnemic - Mechanical Spin Phenomena lyrics Mechanical Spin Phenomena lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Mnemic music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 54 songs of Mnemic lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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