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You ain't the first lyrics by Guns N' Roses

Guns N Roses You aint the first lyrics
  • track 6 of 16, total running time
  • album Use your illusion I
  • released in 1991
  • produced by
  • record label
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You ain't the first song lyrics

I Tried So Hard Just To Get Through To You
But Your Head's So Far
From The Realness Of Truth
Was It Just A Come On In The Dark
Wasn't Meant To Last Long
I Think You've Worn Your Welcome Honey
I'll Just See You Along As I Sing You This Song

Time Can Pass Slowly,
Things Always Change
You Day's Been Numbered
And I've Read Your Last Page
You Was Just A Temporary Lover
Honey You Ain't The First
Lots Of Others Came Before You Woman
Said But You Been The Worst
Sa' You Been The Worst

So Goodbye To You Girl
So Long, Farewell
I Can't Hear You Cryin'
Your Jivin's Been Hell
So Look For Me Walkin'
Down Your Street At Night
I'll Be In With Another
Deep Down Inside

More info about You ain't the first lyrics

check here the lyrics for You ain't the first, the 6th song of the 16 recorded for the album Use your illusion I, with a total running time of , by Guns N' Roses. It was released on via , and produced by .
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