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It's so easy lyrics by Guns N' Roses

Guns N Roses Its so easy lyrics
  • track 2 of 12, total running time
  • album Appetite for destruction
  • released in 1987
  • produced by
  • record label
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Appetite for destruction tracklist

released 1987 via

1. Welcome to the jungle Welcome to the jungle Youtube video included
2. It's so easy lyrics
3. Nightrain
4. Out ta get me
5. Mr. Brownstone
6. Paradise city Paradise city Youtube video included
7. My michelle
8. Think about you
9. Sweet child o' mine Sweet child o
10. You're crazy
11. Anything goes
12. Rocket queen
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I See Your Sister In Her
Sunday Dress
She's Out To Please
She Pouts Her Best
She's Out To Take
No Need To Try
She's Ready To Make

It's So Easy, Easy
When Everybody's Tryin' To
Please Me, Baby
It's So Easy, Easy
When Everybody's Tryin' To
Please Me

Cars Are Crashin' Every Night
I Drink N' Drive
Everything's In Sight
I Make The Fire
But I Miss The Firefight
I Hit The Bull's Eye Every Night

It's So Easy, Easy
When Everybody's Tryin' To
Please Me, Baby
Yeah It's So Easy, Easy
When Everybody's Tryin' To Please Me
So Easy
But Nothin' Seems To Please Me
It All Fits So Right
When I Fade Into The Night
See Me Hit You
You Fall Down

I See You Standin' There
You Think You're So Cool
Why Don't You Just
Fuck Off

Ya Get Nothin' For Nothin'
If That's What You Do
Turn Around Bitch I Got A Use For You
Besides You Ain't Got Nothin' Better To Do
And I'm Bored

It's So Easy, Easy
When Everybody's Tryin' To
Please Me, Baby
It's So Easy, Easy
When Everybody's Tryin' To Please Me
So Easy
But Nothin' Seems To Please Me
It All Fits So Right
When I Fade Into The Night
So Come With Me
Don't Ask Me Where Cause I Don't Know
I'll Try To Please You
I Ain't Got No Money
But It Goes To Show
It's So Easy

More info about It's so easy lyrics

check here the lyrics for It's so easy, the 2th song of the 12 recorded for the album Appetite for destruction, with a total running time of , by Guns N' Roses. It was released on via , and produced by .
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