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Sorry lyrics by Guns N' Roses

Guns N Roses Sorry lyrics
  • track 10 of 14, total running time
  • album Chinese democracy
  • released in 2008
  • produced by
  • record label
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Chinese democracy tracklist

released 2008 via

1. Chinese democracy
2. Shackler's revenge
3. Better
4. Street of dreams
5. If the world
6. There was a time
7. Catcher in the rye
8. Scraped
9. Riad n' the bedouins
10. Sorry lyrics
11. I.R.S.
12. Madagascar
13. This i love
14. Prostitute
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You like to hurt me
You know that you do
You like to think
In some way
That it's me
An not you
(But we know that isn't true)

You like to have me
Jump an be god
But I...
Don't want to do it

You don't know why
I won't act the way
You think I should

You thought they'd make me
Behave and submit (submit)

What were you thinking
Cause I don't forget

You don't know why
I won't give in
To hell with the pressure
I'm not cavin' in

You know that I
Got under your skin
You sold your soul
But I won't let you win

You talk too much
You say I do

Difference is nobody cares about you

You've got all the answers
You know everything
Why nobody asked you
'S a mystery to me

I'm sorry for you
Not sorry for me
You don't know who in the hell to
or not to believe
I'm sorry for you
Not sorry for me
You don't know who you can trust now
Or you should believe
You should believe
You don't know who you can trust now
Or you should believe

You close your eyes
All well and good
I'll kick your ass
Like I said that I would

You tell them stories they'd rather believe
Use and confuse them
They're numb and naive

Truth is the truth hurts
Don't you agree?

It's harder to live
With the truth about you
Than to live with
The lies about me

Nobody owes you
Not one goddamn thing
You know where to put your
Just shut up and sing

I'm sorry for you
Not sorry for me
You don't know who in the hell to
Or not to believe
I'm sorry for you
Not sorry for me
You choose to hurt those that love you
An won't see them free
Won't see them free
You choose to hurt those that love you
An won't see them free

You don't need
Anyone else to be
Sorry for you
You've got no heart
You can't see
All that you've done for me
I know the reasons
You tear me apart

More info about Sorry lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sorry, the 10th song of the 14 recorded for the album Chinese democracy, with a total running time of , by Guns N' Roses. It was released on via , and produced by .
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