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Heaven's Gate music lyrics

Heavens Gate lyrics
Heavens Gate came out of Germany at a time when grunge was starting to happen and sadly never got the attention they deserved. They realesed an album under another name. Their first album was “In control”, an album which sounded a bit like Helloween like so many other bands from Germany at the time (1990). The follow up was a mini-lp called Open the gate and watch. The album “Livin’ in hysteria” is by many considered to be their best album - strong music and good musicians. “Hell for sale” followed after and was the first step into another direction of more blues oriented metal. The album also contained the last of a trilogy of songs that started on the first album (Path of glory) and from...
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Heaven's Gate albums and songs lyrics

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Heavens Gate - Menergy lyrics
Menergy lyrics 
Menergy lyrics
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Heavens Gate - Planet E lyrics
Planet E lyrics 
Planet E lyrics
Heavens Gate - Hell For Sale lyrics
Hell For Sale lyrics 
Hell For Sale lyrics
Heavens Gate - Livin In Hysteria lyrics
Livin' In Hysteria lyrics 
Livin In Hysteria lyrics
Heavens Gate - In Control lyrics
In Control lyrics 
In Control lyrics
1. The Gate  
2. In Control  
3. Turn It Down  
4. Surrender  
5. Hot Fever  
6. Tyrants  
7. Path Or Glory  
8. Shadows  
9. This Flight Tonight  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Heaven's Gate music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 53 songs of Heaven's Gate lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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