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Cellador music lyrics

Cellador lyrics
Omaha, Nebraska power metal act Cellador was initially forged under the title Apostate in late 2002 by founding guitarist Chris Petersen and vocalist / bassist Josh Krohn. The group underwent various line-up changes, including tenures for singer Michael Gremio, singer Warren Curry, and drummers Albert Kurniawan and and bassist Valentin Rakhmanov. Guitarist Sam Chatham was enrolled in May of 2004 with drummer Dave Dahir being inducted in June. Singer Warren Curry was replaced by Michael Gremio in December 2005. Mika Horiuchi replaced Rakhmanov as bassist in 2007. Cellador, announcing they were on the search for a new guitarist and keyboard player, signed to Metal Blade Records in August 2005. In November 2005 the band auditioned and ind...
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Cellador albums and songs lyrics

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Cellador - Enter Deception lyrics
Enter Deception lyrics 
Enter Deception lyrics
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Cellador - Leaving All Behind lyrics
Leaving All Behind lyrics 
Leaving All Behind lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Cellador music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 14 songs of Cellador lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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