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To Mega Therion lyrics by Therion

Therion To Mega Therion lyrics
  • track 22 of 23, total running time
  • album Live In Mexico City
  • released in 2004
  • produced by
  • record label
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To Mega Therion song lyrics

Powers of Thagirion
Watch the Great Beast to be
For To Mega Therion
The Draconian melody
The Dragon open the eye
And reveal both truth and lie
Spiritual supremacy
Ride the Beast of ecstasy
Spiritual supremacy
Ride the Beast of ecstasy
Ialbaophs creative spark
Manifests the utmost dark
Ialbaophs creative spark
Meaning of the letter Theth
Hide the force of Baphomet
Meaning of the letter Theth
The wound of Baal will be healed
When sign of time is unsealed
The wound of Baal will be healed
The world will burn by Soraths flame
And through the solar sign proclaim
Ascending fiend of the sea
Will fulfill prophecy
Man will feel the wrath of Beast
When fenris wolf is released
The Dragon open the eye
Reveal both truth and lie
Spiritual supremacy
The end of revelation
A soulful violation
The end of revelation
Bear the mark of victory
And the spear of destiny
Bear the mark of victory
Powers of Thagirion
For To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
Watch the Great Beast to be
The Draconian melody
Watch the Great Beast to be
The world will burn by Soraths flame
And through the solar sign proclaim
Powers of Thagirion
Is the Great Beast to be
The To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
For To Mega Therion
Powers of Thagirion
Watch the Great Beast to be
The Draconian melody
Watch the Great Beast to be
Meaning of the letter Theth
Hide the force of Baphomet
Meaning of the letter Theth
The wound of Baal will be healed
When sign of time is unsealed
The wound of Baal will be healed
The world will burn by Soraths flame
And through the solar sign proclaim

More info about To Mega Therion lyrics

check here the lyrics for To Mega Therion, the 22th song of the 23 recorded for the album Live In Mexico City, with a total running time of , by Therion. It was released on via , and produced by .
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