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Nada Surf music lyrics

Nada Surf lyrics
Nada Surf is an American alternative rock group formed in 1992. The New York band consists of Matthew Caws (guitar, vocals), Ira Elliot (drums, vocals) and Daniel Lorca (bass, vocals). The band is best known for the song “Popular” from their 1996 album High/Low. The song reached #11 on the US Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart and propelled the album to #63 on the Billboard 200. Each of the verses in “Popular” are extracted from the 1964 guide “Penny’s Guide to Teen-Age Charm and Popularity” by former teen television actress Gloria Winters - and is sarcastically spoken - initially in a calm, deadpan voice that gradually builds Kinison-style in teen angst and rage. The follow-up effort, The P...
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Nada Surf albums and songs lyrics

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Nada Surf - Moon mirror lyrics
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Moon mirror lyrics
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Nada Surf - Never not together lyrics
Never not together lyrics 
Never not together at Never not together at spotify
Never not together lyrics
Nada Surf - You know who you are lyrics You know who you are lyrics
Nada Surf - The stars are indifferent to astronomy lyrics The stars are indifferent to astronomy lyrics
Nada Surf - High / Low lyrics
High / Low lyrics 
High / Low lyrics
1. Deeper Well  
2. The Plan  
3. Popular  
4. Sleep  
5. Stalemate  
6. Treehouse  
7. Icebox  
8. Psychic Caramel  
9. Hollywood  
10. Zen Brain  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Nada Surf music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 50 songs of Nada Surf lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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