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Meshuggah music lyrics

Meshuggah lyrics
Meshuggah, whose name is taken from the Hebrew and Yiddish word for “crazy”, is a five-piece band from UmeÃ¥, Sweden, founded in 1987. The band’s style is most easily described as extreme/technical metal with some jazz influence. They use extended polymetric passages, complex drum patterns, angular, dissonant guitar riffs, and harsh vocals. Their lineup has always been consistent, apart from bass which has been handled by many people since the band’s inception. Their current lineup consists of Jens Kidman (vocals), Fredrik Thordendal (lead/rhythm guitar + backup vocals), MÃ¥rten Hagström (rhythm guitar + backup vocals), Dick Lövgren (bass) and Tomas Haake (drums). Meshuggah is widely acknowledged as an influence on many mo...
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Meshuggah albums and songs lyrics

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Meshuggah - The violent sleep of reason lyrics The violent sleep of reason lyrics
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Meshuggah - Koloss lyrics
Koloss lyrics 
Koloss at wikipedia Koloss at spotify
Koloss lyrics
Meshuggah - Obzen lyrics
Obzen lyrics 
Obzen lyrics
Meshuggah - Catch 33 lyrics
Catch 33 lyrics 
Catch 33 lyrics
Meshuggah - Nothing lyrics
Nothing lyrics 
Nothing lyrics
Meshuggah - Chaosphere lyrics
Chaosphere lyrics 
Chaosphere lyrics
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve lyrics
Destroy Erase Improve lyrics 
Destroy Erase Improve lyrics
Meshuggah - Contradictions Collapse lyrics
Contradictions Collapse lyrics 
Contradictions Collapse lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Meshuggah music. Our databases have 8 albums and a total of 79 songs of Meshuggah lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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