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The Devil Is A Loser lyrics by Lordi

Lordi The Devil Is A Loser lyrics
  • track 6 of 12, total running time
  • album The Monster Show
  • released in 2005
  • produced by
  • record label
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The Devil Is A Loser song lyrics

You wanted power and you begged for fame
You wanted everything the easy way
You want gain without pain
Now your bill is in the mail
you got stronger but your mind get weak
you made a promise that you couldn't keep
you had it all - you lost more
it's all there in the fee

Via hell incorporated (regeneration)
first you love it then you hate it
(you're such a saint)
and you're never gonna make it
(bad situation)
get on, get on down, there's hell to pay 'cause

the devil is a loser and he's my bitch
for better or for worse
and you don't care which
the devil is a loser and he's my bitch
Runnin' into trouble you skitch
he's my bitch

you wanted riches and a licence to kill
you got poverty then you got ill
you got poor and you lost your will
all you dreams unfulfilled
I get my kicks when you blow your fuse
no-one got killed but that's no excuse
hands up, I let you know when it's done
I've got the only gun

And there were no refunds
just failing guarantees
'confess your sins, son'
Said the preacher on TV

you got yourself some greasepaint
set of white and black
all you got was laughter and
Gene simmons on your back

More info about The Devil Is A Loser lyrics

check here the lyrics for The Devil Is A Loser, the 6th song of the 12 recorded for the album The Monster Show, with a total running time of , by Lordi. It was released on via , and produced by .
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