Nobody's getting out alive, I say, oh-ee-oh
Only passenger on this ride, I say, oh-ee-oh
And everything is lost
And you couldn't give a toss
Bombs away
It is easy as they say
Drowning in the ocean
By the way
Now your sky has turned to grey
And you're falling in slow-motion
This is what you wanted
This is what you wanted
Nobody's getting out alive, I say, oh-ee-oh
Maybe see you in another life, I say, oh-ee-oh
'Cause everything is lost (It doesn't matter)
And you couldn't get enough (What you were after)
Of yourself
Bombs away
It is easy as they say
Drowning in the ocean
By the way
Now your sky has turned to grey
And you're falling in slow-motion
This is what you wanted
Bombs away
It is easy as they say
Drowning in the ocean
By the way
Now your sky has turned to grey
And you're falling in slow-motion
This is what you wanted
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lyrics for Passengers, the 6th song of the 10 recorded for the album Happenings, with a total running time of 28:00, by Kasabian. It was released on July 5, 2028 via Sony Music, and produced by Serge Pizzorno.