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dEUS music lyrics

dEUS lyrics
There is more than one band/artist with this name: 1. dEUS are an alternative/experimental rock band based in Antwerp, Belgium, with different line-ups, but always including singer and guitarist Tom Barman and Klaas Janszoons playing the violin and keyboard. Many musicians became well-known after having been members of dEUS: Stef-Kamil Carlens (Moondog Jr., Zita Swoon), Rudy Trouvé (Kiss My Jazz), Danny Mommens (Vive la Fête), Craig Ward (The Love Substitutes), Jules de Borgher and Tim Vanhamel (Millionaire, solo). The current line-up (as from the album Pocket Revolution) includes Mauro Pawlowski (who became famous as solo artist and before with the band Evil Superstars) on guitars and vocals, Alan Gevaert on bass and Stephan...
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dEUS albums and songs lyrics

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dEUS - Following sea lyrics
Following sea lyrics 
Following sea at spotify
Following sea lyrics
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dEUS - Keep you close lyrics
Keep you close lyrics 
Keep you close at wikipedia Keep you close at spotify
Keep you close lyrics
dEUS - The ideal crash lyrics
The ideal crash lyrics 
The ideal crash at The ideal crash at wikipedia The ideal crash at spotify
The ideal crash lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to dEUS music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 29 songs of dEUS lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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