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Turbonegro music lyrics

Turbonegro lyrics
Turbonegro (known as Turboneger in Norway) is a Norwegian punk rock band from Oslo, formed in 1989. The band describes themselves as “death punk.” The band started with Thomas Seltzer (the bassist, Happy-Tom as he is also called) setting up a band with some friends, called Akutt Innleggelse. They played some local concerts, and made an EP, including 3 songs, “CIA/KGB”, “Supertstjerne” and “Lovesong”, written by Thomas. The EP was named “Echoes From the Asylum”. The cover art is a drawing of a skeleton, which Thomas found in his mothers book about the Scottish psychologist R.D Laing. The publisher was Straitjacket Records, made also by Thomas. Thomas and another couple of friend ...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Turbonegro music. Our databases have 6 albums and a total of 71 songs of Turbonegro lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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