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Mastodon music lyrics

Mastodon lyrics
Mastodon is an American progressive metal band from Atlanta, Georgia, formed in 1999. The band comprises bassist/vocalist Troy Sanders, guitarist/vocalist Brent Hinds, guitarist Bill Kelliher and drummer/vocalist Brann Dailor. They have released five full-length albums to date, expanding their musical borders from early raw Sludgy riffs to later psychedelic multi-layered songs, yet maintaining progressive style with unusual time signatures and odd instrumentation. It was announced, in late 2005, that, having fulfilled contractual obligations to indie label, Relapse Records, Mastodon had been offered a deal by a major music label, a spot on the Warner Music roster alongside such ...
Mastodon official site Mastodon at spotify Mastodon at Mastodon at youtube Mastodon at wikipedia Mastodon at myspace 5753 views

Mastodon albums and songs lyrics

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Mastodon - Hushed and grim lyrics Hushed and grim lyrics
Mastodon - Medium rarities lyrics Medium rarities lyrics
Mastodon - Cold dark place lyrics
Cold dark place lyrics 
Cold dark place at spotify
Cold dark place lyrics
Mastodon - Emperor of sand lyrics
Emperor of sand lyrics 
Emperor of sand at Emperor of sand at wikipedia Emperor of sand at spotify
Emperor of sand lyrics
Mastodon - Once more round the sun lyrics Once more round the sun lyrics
Mastodon - The hunter lyrics
The hunter lyrics 
The hunter at wikipedia
The hunter lyrics
Mastodon - Crack the skye lyrics
Crack the skye lyrics 
Crack the skye at wikipedia Crack the skye at spotify
Crack the skye lyrics
Mastodon - Blood Mountain lyrics
Blood Mountain lyrics 
Blood Mountain at wikipedia
Blood Mountain lyrics
Mastodon - Call Of The Mastodon lyrics
Call Of The Mastodon lyrics 
Call Of The Mastodon at wikipedia
Call Of The Mastodon lyrics
Mastodon - Leviathan lyrics
Leviathan lyrics 
Leviathan at Leviathan at wikipedia
Leviathan lyrics
1. Blood and thunder  
2. I am ahab  
3. Seabeast  
4. Iceland  
5. Iron tusk  
6. Megalodon  
7. Naked burn  
8. Aqua dementia  
9. Hearts alive  
10. Joseph merrick  
Mastodon - Remission lyrics
Remission lyrics 
Remission at wikipedia
Remission lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Mastodon music. Our databases have 11 albums and a total of 119 songs of Mastodon lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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