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Hard-ons music lyrics

Hard-ons lyrics
Band members * Keish De Silva - vocals, drums (1982-2001) * Peter “Blackie” Black - guitar, vocals * Ray Ahn - bass guitar * Pete Kostic - drums (2002 - present) The Hard-Ons are a band from Sydney, Australia formed in the early 1980s by three students from the Punchbowl Boys High School. The multicultural trio of drummer/vocalist Keish De Silva (of Sri Lankan descent), guitar/vocals Blackie (Yugoslavian heritage) and bassist Ray Ahn (Korean ancestry) were initially too young to play in licensed venues, but honed their skills playing at parties and school dances. After turning 18, the band made its first ‘proper’ live debut in June 1984 at Ultimo’s Vulcan hotel. Quickly gaining a consi...
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Hard-ons albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Hard-ons music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 14 songs of Hard-ons lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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