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Gravesend lyrics by Stone Sour

Stone Sour Gravesend lyrics
  • track 6 of 12, total running time
  • album House of gold & bones part 2
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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House of gold & bones part 2 tracklist

released 2013 via

1. Red city
2. Black john
3. Sadist
4. Peckinpah
5. Stalemate
6. Gravesend lyrics
7. '82
8. The uncanny valley
9. Blue smoke
10. Do me a favor Do me a favor Youtube video included
11. The conflagration
12. The house of gold & bones
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Holding the "code" on top
Waiting for light and sound to stop
Deeper and deeper, today
Further and further, I fade away

Let me ignore the cost
Special effects for common loss
I'm ready for numb...
I'm ready for numb...

If the demons take me...
I just wanna be dead for good!
When the spirit meets me...
I will die like a good man should!

I was only eighteen when I finally let go...
Picking at the dead like a remnant on the road
I will never understand if I never get told...
Living in the dark like a remnant on the road

Digging with pale, white hands
Keeping the calm and tasting sand
Doing a favor, today
Telling a friend to stay away

I can't afford the cost
I don't care for what I've lost
I'm ready for numb...
I'm ready for numb...

And if the angels take me...
They're gonna need extra time
When the spirit mocks me...
I'll know I'll only take what's mine

I was only twenty-five when I finally went home
Looking for a ride like a murder on the road

I will only understand when you leave me alone
Dying in the dark like a murder on the road
Like a murder on the road...

You're never too young to remember you're old
Looking for a deal like the devil on the road

I will only understand when I finally get told
Waiting for the dark like the devil on the road

Like the devil on the road...
Like the devil on the road...
Like the devil on the road...

More info about Gravesend lyrics

check here the lyrics for Gravesend, the 6th song of the 12 recorded for the album House of gold & bones part 2, with a total running time of , by Stone Sour. It was released on via , and produced by .
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