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Threadbare lyrics by Stone Sour

Stone Sour Threadbare lyrics
  • track 14 of 17, total running time
  • album Audio secrecy
  • released in 2010
  • produced by
  • record label
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Hold your breath and say goodbye - you never say a word
When you feel like your heart's gone wrong
When you feel like you've stayed too long... it's over
Letting go has let you down - just let me show you why
Every life is a chance to try
We can live like we both can't die

Oh in all this time
I never wanted to destroy a dream come true
And in all this time
I never wanted to destroy someone like you
I want you to stay
So give me a sign - give me your hand - I'll take you home

In the dark, we're all the same - we only seem alone
There's a place where we all must hide
There's a place that we lock from the inside... when it's over
Everything we ever were and everything we are
We will heal as the days roll by
Cuz in the end... it's you and I

Oh in all this time
I never wanted to destroy a dream come true
And in all this time
I never wanted to destroy someone like you
I want you to stay
So give me a sign - give me your hand - I'll take you home

We are sewn inside the fabric that is holding us together
We can only pray that something so tragic will save us all
Will save us all - We are on our own again
We are on our own again

Oh in all this time
I never wanted to destroy a dream come true
And in all this time
I never wanted to destroy someone like you
And in all this time
I never wanted to destroy
A dream come true
And in all this time
I never wanted to destroy
Someone like you

I want you to stay
So give me a sign -
Give me your hand -
I'll take you home

We are on our own again

More info about Threadbare lyrics

check here the lyrics for Threadbare, the 14th song of the 17 recorded for the album Audio secrecy, with a total running time of , by Stone Sour. It was released on via , and produced by .
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