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The Twilight Singers music lyrics

The Twilight Singers lyrics
The Twilight Singers is an alternative American band. The group was initially formed as a side project by The Afghan Whigs leader Greg Dulli in 1997. After the Whigs disbanded The Twilight Singers became an artistic vehicle, and has released four albums backed by international tours. While in-between Afghan Whigs albums and amidst a dispute with their record label, Elektra, Dulli recorded demos for the act with friends and collaborators Shawn Smith (Brad, Satchel, Pigeonhed) and Harold “Happy” Chichester (Royal Crescent Mob, Howlin’ Maggie) in New Orleans. The demos have an exceptionally dark, tense, and New Orleans-flavored groove and swagger. As a result of The Afghan Whigs’ label troubles, it is debated that E...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Twilight Singers music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 11 songs of The Twilight Singers lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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