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Dredg music lyrics

Dredg lyrics
dredg is a progressive alternative band from Los Gatos, California, USA formed in 1993. Their first studio album, Leitmotif, was released by the Universal music label on September 11, 2001. Prior to that, it had been self-released by the members of the band. After the album hit music stores, Dredg acquired an almost immediate cult following thanks to Leitmotif’s unique sound and concept. There has also been a movie planned for release as a music video for the entire album, though the project has been scrapped due to the death of the lead actor. El Cielo, Dredg’s proper Interscope debut, arrived in autumn 2002, and Deftones producer Terry Date was at the helm for their 2005 effort Catch Without Arms. A video for the single ̶...
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Dredg albums and songs lyrics

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Dredg - Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy lyrics Chuckles and Mr. Squeezy lyrics
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Dredg - The pariah, the parrot, the delusion lyrics The pariah, the parrot, the delusion lyrics
Dredg - Catch without arms lyrics Catch without arms lyrics
Dredg - El cielo lyrics
El cielo lyrics 
El cielo at El cielo at wikipedia
El cielo lyrics
Dredg - Leitmotif lyrics
Leitmotif lyrics 
Leitmotif at wikipedia
Leitmotif lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Dredg music. Our databases have 5 albums and a total of 67 songs of Dredg lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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