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Panopticon lyrics by The Smashing Pumpkins

The Smashing Pumpkins Panopticon lyrics
  • track 2 of 13, total running time
  • album Oceania
  • released in 2012
  • produced by
  • record label
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Oceania tracklist

released 2012 via

1. Quasar
2. Panopticon lyrics
3. The celestials
4. Violet rays
5. My love is winter
6. One diamond, one heart
7. Pinwheels
8. Oceania
9. Pale horse
10. The chimera
11. Glissandra
12. Inkless
13. Wildflower
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Love is here
Don't make me wonder
Lights never clear
Trace those wounds
Use the views
To build don?t prove
Don't make me suffer
Birds from the wind, [and will]

Rest in the chains of desire
Run thru the veins of tonight
Stroll across the years [.... of] your life

There?s a sun that shines in
There?s a world that stares out of me
[Out of me/out of the breeze], to [thee -it just sounds like it, really!]

Wake, love is here
Don't make me suffer
[To dash debonair]
[Trace those wounds]
[Use the pain, hide those blame]
Don't make me wonder
To ask what we have [in you]
You, where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
There?s a sun that shines in
There?s a world that stares out of me
All out of you, it?s real
There?s a sun that shines in
There?s a world that stares out of me
All out of you
And all out of you
It?s there

There?s a sun that shines [in you]
There?s a sun that shines
There?s a sun that shines [in you]

More info about Panopticon lyrics

check here the lyrics for Panopticon, the 2th song of the 13 recorded for the album Oceania, with a total running time of , by The Smashing Pumpkins. It was released on via , and produced by .
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