Love is here
Don't make me wonder
Lights never clear
Trace those wounds
Use the views
To build don?t prove
Don't make me suffer
Birds from the wind, [and will]
Rest in the chains of desire
Run thru the veins of tonight
Stroll across the years [.... of] your life
There?s a sun that shines in
There?s a world that stares out of me
[Out of me/out of the breeze], to [thee -it just sounds like it, really!]
Wake, love is here
Don't make me suffer
[To dash debonair]
[Trace those wounds]
[Use the pain, hide those blame]
Don't make me wonder
To ask what we have [in you]
You, where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
There?s a sun that shines in
There?s a world that stares out of me
All out of you, it?s real
There?s a sun that shines in
There?s a world that stares out of me
All out of you
And all out of you
It?s there
There?s a sun that shines [in you]
There?s a sun that shines
There?s a sun that shines [in you]
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lyrics for Panopticon, the 2th song of the 13 recorded for the album Oceania, with a total running time of , by The Smashing Pumpkins. It was released on via , and produced by .