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Trust Company music lyrics

Trust Company lyrics
Formed in 1997, disbanded in 2005, and reunited in 2007, TRUSTcompany came together through vocalist Kevin Palmer and drummer Jason Singleton. Originally called 41 Down, the band then recruited bassist Josh Moates and guitarist James Fukai. After building a local fanbase, the band went on to sign a major label deal with Geffen Records. After being signed, the band changed their name to TRUSTcompany so they would not be confused with the Canadian band Sum 41. The band released their debut album The Lonely Position of Neutral on July 23, 2002. The album was well received with the lead single “Downfall” gained heavy exposure through MTV2’s Headbanger’s Ball. Subsequently, the song entered the Billboard Hot 100 sing...
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Trust Company albums and songs lyrics

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Trust Company - Dreaming in black and white lyrics Dreaming in black and white lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Trust Company music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 12 songs of Trust Company lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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