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Witch - Hunt lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius Witch - Hunt lyrics
  • track 4 of 9, total running time
  • album Fright Night
  • released in 1989
  • produced by
  • record label
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Fright Night tracklist

released 1989 via

1. Future Shock
2. False Messiah
3. Black Night
4. Witch - Hunt lyrics
5. Fire Dance
6. Fright Night
7. Night Screamer
8. Darkness
9. Goodbye
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[Music by Tolkki/Words by Lassila]

The witch is worried
Which is bitch?
Take both of them in
And do a spin
Experimenting with fingers spreading
Lips concealing the secrets of the joy

The witch-hunt is coming to town
You better look around
The witch-hunt is coming to town
They'll see that you will get found

The witch is clever
Forgets never
She take her revenge
All in the end

Two at the time
Bell tolls inside
Casting joy all over you
Oh boy

The witch-hunt is coming to town
You better look around
The witch-hunt is coming to town
They'll see that you will get found

The whip is ready
Standing steady
In between the hands
By your command

Do what you have to do
And she's glad to
Take your little life
And ride away

More info about Witch - Hunt lyrics

check here the lyrics for Witch - Hunt, the 4th song of the 9 recorded for the album Fright Night, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .
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