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No Turning Back lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius No Turning Back lyrics
  • track 3 of 11, total running time
  • album Destiny
  • released in 1998
  • produced by
  • record label
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So long I have been accepting what I've seen
Never really speaking my mind
Now the heat's leaking out
I'd like to scream and shout
I want to leave it all behind

There's no one else to turn the wheel
I've got my own life to steer

No turning back
Coz I wanna know who I am and I want to live my life
No turning back
Tomorrow's awaiting, I'm on the way

Hard to find the right words
And not to make it worse
A choice that has to be done
It is just my life
Can't make no compromise
And to stop what has begun

There's no one else...

I have all the strings in my hands
The choices that's been laid for me
I am not taking more commands
Coz now finally I'm free

More info about No Turning Back lyrics

check here the lyrics for No Turning Back, the 3th song of the 11 recorded for the album Destiny, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .
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