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A Drop In The Ocean lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius A Drop In The Ocean lyrics
  • track 9 of 12, total running time
  • album Elements Pt. 1
  • released in 2003
  • produced by
  • record label
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A Drop In The Ocean song lyrics

[Music and words: Tolkki]

Seasons of madness fill my mind
A lunar poet trying to find
A conception of what life is all about
Seconds pass me by I greet the minutes
A the hours roll them over
And years will drown the days and months

We are one, we are strangers in the night
Searching for our way to the light
Like an echo of unseen fantasies
That you'll never be able to catch

A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon
The angels of heaven are singing this song
Just souls in the corner of our universe
It seems that it's all we are
A drop in the ocean

Planet caravans sail on and on
In cosmic harmony they go
Within embrace of universal womb
Is it cosmic madness, harmony?
I ask you in my agony
As time won't heal my wounds it makes me numb

We are one, we are strangers in the night
Searching for our way to the light
Like an echo of unseen fantasies
That you'll never be able to catch

A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon
The angels of heaven are singing this song
Just souls in the corner of our universe
It seems that it's all we are

A drop in the ocean we're sailing upon
The angels of heaven are singing this song
Just souls in the corner of our universe
It seems that it's all we are
A drop in the ocean

More info about A Drop In The Ocean lyrics

check here the lyrics for A Drop In The Ocean, the 9th song of the 12 recorded for the album Elements Pt. 1, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .
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